
forearm scorpion

Last week in yoga, our awesome instructor, who week after week has found ways to challenge us with something new, flipped us up into a forearm stand. I truly expected to face plant, but to my surprise, my nose didn't hit the ground. This was such a strange new position and I felt pretty stable, so I wanted to take it a bit further. I saw a picture of scorpion pose, and didn't really give it a second thought until I was upside down on my forearms for the first time. I explained to Derek my intention to get my feet as close to my head as I could without smacking my face against the floor and asked him to be ready to catch me.  I really didn't know what to expect. We taped it so I could see if the pose looked and felt close to the same. I want to improve upper body strength and balance so this pushes my limits of both. Plus it's a cool rainy day off from running, so why not try it at home.