
hiking: la vuache

There's just enough sunshine and warmer temperatures to keep us from wanting to ski again this weekend. We decided it was a good day to wander out "that way," to the Vauche hills between the Alps and the Jura. We parked in Chaumont, and started hiking up the spine to Mt. Vauche, a short hike, topping at 1101 meters, where there is still a bit of snow. This easy hike showed us that it is going take some work to build our legs back to our weekly, longer, tougher hikes in the Alps...but I can't wait. Winter will be back this week, extra cold, and hopefully some new snow, but the light is changing, days are getting a little longer, and there are plenty of green things pushing through the ground.

After we made our way back down to Chaumont, we visited the hilltop ruins of Château de Chaumont, and enjoyed the beautiful view of the surrounding countryside and the Alps until some dark clouds made their way over. Only half an hours drive, it felt like we had traveled somewhere far away...there's still so much to explore.