
joyeux noël

From us to you, a very Merry Christmas. Whether you are enjoying family traditions or making new ones, I hope you are having a lovely holiday. This has been a special one for me (and I think I can speak for my fellow cabin mates) one we will always remember. Santa found us, even tucked away in a remote mountain town, so we spent the morning with coffee and tearing into packages left under the tree before the gown-ups pooled all our skills together to assemble the most detailed toy I've ever encountered. In the afternoon, we finally left our pajamas behind and went for a wintery walk.

(Thanks Jim for the above photo)

Back at the cabin, the boys and little girls went to work on building a snowman, while Maura and I prepared Christmas dinner.

Seconds and thirds please: chicken, stuffing, potatoes, beans, salad, wine, and our favorite drinks and cookies afterward.