
autumn hike

Despite the grey, we thought it a good idea, and maybe last chance, to get out and see the fall colors (and they were lovely). So today, up the Jura. We started near Farges, made our way up to the ridge, across, descended at Tiocan, and powered through 8 miles on the high road back to where we started...lucky to have a flash light.


Up we go.

Dark, low clouds on the ridge.

Moody mountains in the (not-so) distance, looking toward the pass. Our town is out there, too, in the haze.


weekend walking

I'm taking lots of vineyard photos while they're a patchwork of mauve, lavender, and peach.

Lots of weekend walking, and a little bit of clear sky along the way.

Looping home, we went through one of my favorite wooded running trails on the border. Bon weekend!


sunday walking

Walking in fabulous fall color.

Can't resist the reds and oranges.

Headed home as our shadows grow long.



Today we took a trip to nearby Fribourg, just an hour and a half drive, to see a photography exhibition and enjoy a day in a new city.

After the drive, and before art seeing, we got a quick coffee at a neat, bustling cafe near the museum. Now we are re-caffeinated for our visit to the Gutenberg Museum.

Ursus Wehrli's rearranged photos were the main attraction for me, but for such noodley work, the display seemed a bit underwhelming.  (Just found this TED video if you're interested...he's pretty funny). The cleaned up art pieces are fun, and make you laugh out loud, but I liked the action involved in rearranging soup and people.

The museum's great display of presses and machines also distracted form the photographic work, which begged to live in a clean white box. (It is really funny though, a Swiss artist making art about keep organizing and tidying up). While the photos tidy up art masterpieces and the physical world, I thought they needed to be in a space that was overly organized as well...but they hung around the periphery of some great old machines.

The best part of our stop was spending time in the basement with a printer, talking and viewing the drawers of letters.

Next, out into the sunshine for my favorite way to experience a new place: wandering around.

It was great exploring the Medieval city, steep cobblestone roads, faded buildings, and paths along the river.

Skinny houses.

An interesting mix of French and German architecture.

Grazing sheep overlooking the city.

More wandering.

We chose a restaurant for an early dinner. Drinks before the kitchen opens.

I'm so excited for Thai food...it's been 3 years since I've had restaurant curry, and it's spicy and everything (*spicy in Switzerland means added paprika, but this was actually hot). I was really looking forward to taking some of this home for lunch tomorrow, but our waitress made us clean our plates, oh well. Hope you had a spicy Saturday, too. 


jungfrau revisited

Today, we are retracing the Jungfrau Marathon route. It was cold and foggy early this morning, but the sun broke through and we'll warm up soon enough starting at The Wall in Lauterbrunnen going up to Wengen and continuing to the finish (~ kilometers 26-42).

During the race, we reach The Wall around kilometer26 (mile 16) where the distance markers switch from ever kilometer to every quarter kilometer-ouch. Up until now, the race was mostly flat, time to start the climb. It was steep, but not as long of a climb as I remembered (also starting fresh makes a little bit of a difference).

Up the switchbacks.

We pass Wengen, looking down at the valley and the waterfalls, and continue along a nice stretch of wooded trail, remembering distance markers and the sound of gravel underfoot.

The views change with every turn...I think that's how we kept running.

Some of the rockier sections of the course, going up.

And the final, single file ascent before the painful down-hill hobble to the finish at Kleine Scheidegg.

I've got to admit, I took several stops on the way up, and it seemed harder than race day. I'm not quite sure how we managed to run this (even walking the steepest sections). This trail was tough, and after struggling through our 20 mile hiking loop, I'm even prouder to have finished this marathon. (Must have been the bananas, goo, and sports drinks).

There are a few photo points set up near the finish. I thought they were pretty funny.

Going down, we took an alternate trail for part of the way.

The fading light was beautiful so we stopped to catch the last of it before it sunk below the peaks.


We saw a pair of foxes as we shuffled down The Wall, and reached our car just after dark. Only 2.5 hours home, but I was nodding the whole way.  What a beautiful weekend- fun to relive the marathon course and enjoy the sunshine and clear blue sky. Until next time, mountains.



This weekend, we decided to make an overnight trip to the Bernese Oberland to hike a section of the Jungfrau Marathon course. But first, a foggy morning drive, a walk in Wilderswil, pre-hiking, and early bedtime before our Sunday hike.

We stayed in a hotel on a hill in Wilderswil, surrounded by cows and sheep, and beautiful fall views.

After  a little walking tour of the town and a picnic, we decided to make an afternoon hike up to Breitlauenen.

We hiked a few hours, steep trails, but not too long, and descended just before dark.

My mountain man- ready for tomorrow's adventure.