
hiking solo

Today was incredibly clear. Perfect for hiking. Spectacular views. But first I need to get to the mountains. I decided to walk from home to the nearest trail heads...about five miles, and start up on some new-to-me trails. (above view of Mt. Blanc above the Saleve from the Jura above Logras)

I was followed. This cow decided to follow me down the middle of a busy road...not this road, the one we turned onto. Luckily she hopped back into another pasture a little ways down.

Getting closer to the mountain trails.

On the way up.

I didn't end up where I planned on, got a little lost, but enjoyed the views on my route.

As the sun sank below the ridge, it got cool, and dark, and I was trying to hurry downward...and see where in the valley I would end up. Tired and moving a little too quickly on a rocky trail, I tripped and landed in fresh fallen chestnuts. Lost in the woods, bruises around my knee, a few skid marks on my ankle and thigh, and about a hundred chestnut splinters in my hand (ouch- that's the worst of it) was not how I hoped to finish the day, but otherwise a good outing.