
summer days

We're doing our very best to enjoy as many days at the beach as we can before August ends. Autumn is pushing its way in on us already. This morning, the boys had a hard run up to Crozet, and I made my first run up to Tiocan, over to Crozet and then hiked the remainder. The run up to Tiocan is a long, steady incline, that I never assumed I would have interest in running, but it really wasn't bad. As for autumn, I could see my breath while running up  the wooded trails. Then, another sunny afternoon at the beach for a reward. 

Today, we joined just a handful of sunbathers ot the beach in Nyon. The water was too cold for me this time since we've had cool overnight temps. The sun was warm though, and again, a good day to nap in the grass. 

Some nats hovering above...the their tiny wings glistened in the sun.

Time to head home for dinner. Here's hoping this wasn't our last day at the beach...but if so, it's been a good one.