Inevitably there is a single bad thought that creeps into my mind during each race, "Why did I want to do this?" Almost instantly, along comes another question, "Well, what would I rather be doing?"
That has a simple answer, "Nothing."
I can think of absolutely nothing that I would chose over this moment of tiredness, of pain, of cold, hot, wet, muddy, trudging, dancing movement over a beautiful mountain trail. Nothing. Since I can't think of anything that would be better, I push a little harder, and decide that I might as well enjoy all the beauty in it, every step. I am thankful for the challenge and start hoping that I have the opportunity again and again to feel this exhaustion, pleasure, competition, freedom. Each time I run, I celebrate my strength and effort. I feel a connection with the terrain and the elements, the light, the air, the rocks and roots and mud and snow, and I run happy. Every run.
And then I take a bad step and haven't been able to run for more than a week. That's a story to save for a race report though. So, I've got to do something else...for now. Until I can hit the trails again, I'm doing a bit of rehab, stretching, cycling, watching it rain, eating everything I can find, and thought I might try to catch up this horribly neglected little blog. I am at least nine race reports behind, missed all of the ski season, and have too many mountain photos to sort through. But while I am spending a little extra time on my butt, I will see what I can catch-up, and resume my old battle with html.
The next time I go running, I will run even happier.